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Native Perennials


Pseudognaphalium californicum  California Everlasting   
Perenial with leaves with a fragrance of maple syrup or curry, AKA California Curry Plant or Ladies Tobacco. Similar to Pearly Everlasting has silver leaves and white pearl-like "flowers" (actually bracts). Very attractive to insects and other benficial wildlife, and appear like dried flowers even when fresh. Spreads by runners underground, with luscious green shoots in spring and an abundant bloomer throughout the summer. 
(1)  1 gal   12.00 

Pseudognaphalium ramosissimum  Pink Everlasting  East Bay 
Attractive pink flowers on a short lived biennial which reseeds readily. Good sand dune plant. Foliage has a maple syrup fragrance, or some say it smells like curry. Formerly Gnaphalium ramosissimum. 
(42)  plug   2.00 
(3)  4" pot   7.00 

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